Saturday, February 28, 2009

One of those days

OK, Jason has been gone less than 2 weeks now and I'm already having those days. Yesterday was the kind of day where the kids do everything they are told not to and nothing they are told to do. The kind of day when my toddler pulls at my pants screaming as if the world is about to end. . . did I mention this caused me to trip over her repeatedly thus increasing the sound decibel. It was just one of those days when I want to scream and yell and throw a temper tantrum of my own. A day that I just don't know how I'm going to make it one more minute without my husband's help. But somehow God shows his infinite mercy (and strength, cause Lord knows I don't have any left) and I make it to the next minute and the next hour and finally the next day. I thank God yesterday is passed and today is not one of those days!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Why go to the park?

Why do we go to the park? I took my kids to the park today. My four year old dug in the sand. . . we have plenty of that at home. My 16 month old spent almost the entire time climbing in and out and in and out of the stroller, which I would be happy to park in the backyard so she could do it at home. I think I went down the slide more times than they did! So why is it that the kids get silly grins on their faces when I mention the park and they can barely contain their enthusiasm, bouncing in the stroller as they see it up ahead. I don't understand it. Even so, just to make them smile and see them happy, I continue to put on clean clothes and a little lipstick, pack the kids water bottles and goldfish and make the trek to the park. Somehow it's worth it!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The newest American Idol fan

Today Ella discovered American Idol. I caught her sitting on my stepper, which makes the perfect size seat for a 16 month old, watching AI and singing along with one of the guys. I think she's picked her favorite already! If I only had a video camera. . . .

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Tomorrow Jason leaves for another short (47 days) training class. He will be all the way across the country and my son is having a hard time with it. He says he likes to talk to daddy when he is here, not on the phone. Apparently the web-cam doesn't count either! Micah is pretty sad. I think this will be the hardest separation to date.