Friday, June 5, 2009

Feeding Giraffes

With Jason being gone again, preparing for a vacation, trying to sell houses and getting ready to move the family all the way across the country I've had little time to share any new stories. I will likely not have time over the next few weeks either. Before the utter craziness begins here's a memorable moment we recently had.

Micah, Ella and I went to the zoo last week. We've had a membership these last couple of years but we have never had a chance to feed the giraffes until this particular trip. Because I love Giraffes I was super excited and thought it was the best part of the day!

On the drive home from the zoo I asked Micah what he thought of feeding the giraffes. He very matter of factly said "I liked it but it was slobbery like Ella's kisses." I thought it was a very accurate description!