Saturday, April 25, 2009

Proud mama!

Today Jason and I took the kids to the Arizona Science Center. It was a free weekend which was nice except for the fact that it was beyond packed and kids were pretty much running the place! Even so we had a great time.
Micah thought it was "cool" that he was able to try all kinds of interactive things. He even got to climb the 30 foot climbing wall. He has only ever climbed the little climbing walls at the park (10 feet tops), so this was a pretty big deal for a 4 year old. He watched a 9 or 10 year old girl climb before him. She did well going up but struggled coming down. Micah on the other hand must have learned from her challenges. He went up that wall faster than I have ever seen a kid go and he figured out right away how to straighten out his legs and walk down the wall. He was up and down in a few short minutes. I was soooo proud of him! Unfortunately we forgot the camera. . . I hope the picture I took on my phone turns out!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Moving dilemas

We are going to be moving in a few months. In order to "prepare" my son for the change I have been talking a lot about moving, the fun of making new friends, getting a new room, and (because this is super important to a 4 year old) finding new parks.

We currently live in the desert and even though my son was born somewhere else, this is all he knows. We will be moving to North Carolina where the air is sticky and everything is green and beautiful. One thing that came up in our moving conversations is our yard, what we have now (rocks) and what we will have (grass). Micah is not really a big fan of grass. When I said that our yard would not have rocks he looked sad at first. Then he perked up and said that we would have to bring a lot of our rocks with us. The immediately stirred up images of our brand new mini van loaded down with dusty quarter inch rock and I was about to say "absolutely not" when my son went on with his plan. "We need to get a zip top bag, the big one mom (this means 1 gallon), fill it with rocks, and put it in my backpack to bring with us." I smiled at this and said "absolutely." We are now both happy. My son gets to take "his rocks" to NC and I get to see him happy and keep my mini van clean!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Tonight I told Micah that in the morning he had to take a bath and wear some nice clothes because it is Easter. He said okay then asked me what color his mohawk should be!

Happy Easter everyone! He has risen!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

When in trouble. . .

My daughter was doing something she shouldn't and my son, Micah, saw it. He loudly yelled "Ella Allen!" I couldn't contain my laughter as I explained to him that Allen was not what you say when someone is getting in trouble, it is his (Micah's) middle name. I guess I need to use his middle name more than just when scolding him! Too funny though!