Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Were We Thinking!?

When I had my son I thought he was a bit of a challenge. Then I had my daughter and she is beyond a bit of a challenge. I like to call her my warrior princess. She wants to be pretty and dance and sing but she is also all drama and fight! She IS the most stubborn child I have met.

So my husband and I know this about our kids and still we decided we wanted a third child. With number 3 on the way there are days, today for example, when I wonder what we were thinking because I can barely handle the 2 I have. But it is one thing for me to have these days and another when I am told "I was surprised you decided to have another child after Ella." Someday I will probably look on this crazy time in life and laugh. Until then I pray for patience, endurance, and long naps!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kara would be proud

I have been just horrible about blogging since we moved. I guess I never dreamed how busy I would be and so quickly after moving.

Kara, this is for you because you would be so proud of YOUR little Ella. Yesterday I let Ella choose something from the desserts that were left after a womens' function I helped with. Secretly I hoped she would choose something not so messy like a cookie. She pointed to this fudgy, sticky chocolate cake and said "I want that." I figured it was the first thing she looked at so I tried to convince her to choose something else. She then pointed to another chocolate dessert saying "I want chocolate." In the end I was able to convince her to take a brownie which was slightly less messy than the cake but to her satisfaction was still chocolate. Did we get our girls mixed up at some point? =)