Tuesday, August 25, 2009


The other day it was raining. When I say raining I mean soak you to the bone in about 12 seconds kind of rain. My son stood at the back door and watched the rain. After a while he got an idea and asked me to put a bucket out to catch the rain for him. I reluctantly agreed, then proceeded to quickly open the door and stick my head and arm out just far enough to get the bucket into the falling rain. It probably took 3 seconds but that was long enough for the water to be flowing off the tip of my nose and down my arm.
I went back to my dishes in the kitchen. I hear a door close and Micah announces that he "ran with everything off and hardly got wet." I had no idea what that meant so I poked my head around the corner and saw Micah standing there buck naked (and hardly wet). He had run (fast) out the door and halfway across the yard to right an upside down bucket, then back again. All I thought was "I'm sure glad we have a fenced in yard."
What goes through their heads? =)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'm back

After a couple of month hiatus to move and basically go crazy, I have decided it is time to get blogging!

If you know my husband you will get a kick out of this one.

Our new house backs up to a bit of woods and if followed goes to a small pond. After a few days of looking at the woods from the backyard my husband, Jason, asked Micah is he would like to take a walk in the woods to the pond.
"A little scary" Micah responded.
"I'll have my knife" Dad said.
Micah smiled and said "Oooooo, I can cut some flowers for Mommy."
Jason rolled his eyes. "That's my son!"