Sunday, March 8, 2009

She loves her brother!

My 4 year old went to his first sleepover last night (aside from Nana's). He was thrilled and now that it is over he told me that he hopes it is 2 days next time. He didn't miss me at all.

I was thrilled to have a little Mommy and Ella time, which almost never happens. Yesterday we had a wonderful time doing what girls do best, we went to the mall. Not that we spent any money but we did have a wonderful time walking, talking and browsing. After that nice time together yesterday I thought this morning would be equally as nice. I was wrong. From the moment Ella woke she asked about her brother. "Brother? Brother?" she would repeat as she looked around for him. I believe she thinks "brother" is his name. When we got in the car to go to church she looked over at Micah's car seat and asked again about her brother. Without the comfort of her brother she moved on to her other comfort, her blankie, which was in the washing machine because of a wet bed that morning. With only the one blankie and one brother, I couldn't appease her. So I had to endure a 25 minute drive with a screaming 17 month old. When we arrived at church and her brother walked in the door, the tantrum stopped and all was well. She sure loves her brother, making me much more hesitant to allow future sleepovers. This however would start a whole other tantrum and I'm not sure which is worse!


  1. Hi there! You won some Honey Kix at the Qtpies7 blog!
    Send me your address and I'll get the shipped out to your little munchkins!

  2. that is the great love between brothers and sisters.

    thanks for visiting my blog good luck in the contest you entered

  3. HI mel! I can't find your email! Congrats you won the Eleven shoes. Please email me by Friday March 13 midnight to claim your prize. lisa (at) mogulbaby (dot) com

  4. Hi!

    Just wanted to pop-in to thank you for entering a past giveaway I had on my blog - I would like to inform you of another giveaway I have open right now (Girl's Paisley Swing Top)! Winner will be announced on 3/20 - so enter by the 19th :) Also - I've got future giveaways planned, so keep a look out!

    God Bless,
