Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I haven't had much time to blog, and still don't, but I had to share this one. Ella, my 17 month old, loves bananas. They are probably her favorite food.

Yesterday she woke up cranky. She cried and tantrumed from the moment I went into her room to get her out of her crib. She screamed, writhed and kicked me all the while I changed her diaper and her clothes. She loves to eat so I offered her breakfast. Usually this would stop the crying, but not this time. So I put her in her high chair anyway and asked her if she wanted a banana. The crying imediately stopped, she smiled and yelled "nana nana!" Since we have been working on being polite I asked her "what do you say?" So excited about the prospect of eating the banana she replied with "please, there you go, thank you, welcome". She was wasting no time!


  1. Hey, you figured out how to put a picture in the post! Way to go!

  2. HI,
    I was just spending some time looking at all the comments on my coupon giveaway post and wanted to say thanks for entering the giveaway!
    I'll be praying for your family! There are quite a few military moms in my homeschool group and I think it's good for every wife of a non-military man to read and listen to what you all have to say!
