Saturday, April 25, 2009

Proud mama!

Today Jason and I took the kids to the Arizona Science Center. It was a free weekend which was nice except for the fact that it was beyond packed and kids were pretty much running the place! Even so we had a great time.
Micah thought it was "cool" that he was able to try all kinds of interactive things. He even got to climb the 30 foot climbing wall. He has only ever climbed the little climbing walls at the park (10 feet tops), so this was a pretty big deal for a 4 year old. He watched a 9 or 10 year old girl climb before him. She did well going up but struggled coming down. Micah on the other hand must have learned from her challenges. He went up that wall faster than I have ever seen a kid go and he figured out right away how to straighten out his legs and walk down the wall. He was up and down in a few short minutes. I was soooo proud of him! Unfortunately we forgot the camera. . . I hope the picture I took on my phone turns out!

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